EFFEFF 14EF electric strike 6-12V AC/DC universal
EFFEFF 14EF electric strike 6-12V AC/DC universal EFFEFF 14EF electric strike 6-12V AC/DC universal dimensional drawing

Effeff 14EF--------F11 electric strike


Fail locked operation.
The door can only be opened while a contact is made. In alternating current operation, a humming noise is audible. In direct current operation, there is no noise. When mounting with a throw-open spring or throw-open bolt, the door is opened visibly after a contact is made.

Compatible with all common striking plates.
Can be combined with striking plates with latch bolt guide (standard) without FaFix®.
DIN right and left installation thanks to 180° rotation.

Mecahnical unlocking (E)
Adjustable strike (F, Fix)

Place of origin Germany


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